Working Towards a Sustainable Environment
Facing environmental issues for a better future
To ensure the entertainment industry we are part of continues into the future, we also must contribute to building a better society. At USJ, there is an interdepartmental team that’s mission is to confront environmental issues and implements various initiatives that makes the most of the strengths of each department.
Spreading the circle of action across society
It is paramount for businesses like ours which are in close contact with consumers at all times to take a proactive lead in protecting the environment, raise awareness, and hasten a decrease of our impact on the environment. USJ will continue to work to build a sustainable park so that we can continue to make all of our guests Super Energized.

Sep 5th, 2024 UP
Plant-derived “bagasse containers” and recycled PET drink cups newly introduced at restaurants in the park!
Universal Studios Japan will introduce new environmentally friendly “bagasse containers” and drink cups on Monday July 1st, 2024, in ongoing efforts to build a sustainable park.
Apr 16th, 2024 UP
To effectively utilize food waste, an important issue for improving the environment, garbage disposal units have been introduced at the park’s Central Kitchen where ingredients for the restaurants in the park are made and processed.
Apr 16th, 2024 UP
At USJ, dedicated staff work to sort and recycle garbage gathered from the park and offices.
Apr 16th, 2024 UP
Wooden cutlery and straw-less lids now offered
Wooden cutlery and straw-less lids are now offered in some restaurants in an effort to create a sustainable park environment.
Apr 16th, 2024 UP
Battling the Heat Island Effect by Painting Attraction Roofing with a Thermal Barrier Coating
In July 2023, with the goal of reducing heat build-up in the building and the burden on climate control systems, the roof of the “Elmo’s Imagination Playland” attraction in the park was painted with a layer of thermal barrier paint. By reducing the heat that builds up within the building and the burden on the building’s air conditioning system, guests are spending an even more comfortable time there. This also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases the park produces.
Apr 16th, 2024 UP
Towards Carbon Neutrality by Reducing Power and Water Consumption
As part of Comcast NBC Universal, USJ aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 – 15 years earlier than the 2050 goal set by the United Nations by reducing the amount of electricity it consumes, protecting water resources and other eco-friendly initiatives.