Basic Attitudes
USJ LLC considers corporate ethics and compliance to be the basic process for meeting the expectations of stakeholders and society, and is working to ensure company-wide compliance through a company-wide and department-wide promotion system and a meticulous mechanism.
Under the slogan "Compliance leads to smiles on guests' faces," all executives and employees work together to promote compliance, including by practicing the Code of Conduct, and strive to establish and instill compliance awareness and foster a workplace culture on a daily basis.
Compliance Promotion System
In addition to establishing a Compliance Committee chaired by the Vice President of the Legal Department, we have established a system to effectively link company-wide activities with departmental activities by assigning compliance officers and persons in charge to all departments.
The members of the Compliance Committee include internal members, legal advisors, and labor union chairpersons, and strive to ensure transparency and objectivity.
Compliance Promotion Activities
Each fiscal year, the Compliance Committee formulates the "Compliance Annual Program" as a basic policy and a specific action plan based on it, promotes company-wide compliance activities, and regularly holds the "Compliance Officer Meeting" consisting of compliance officers from each division to confirm the progress of the compliance year program in each division.

Whistleblowing System "Speak-up"
We have established a "Speak-up," whistleblowing system, as a contact point for reporting and consultation on compliance, and we accept reports and consultations from employees (including former employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, and outsourced employees) and business partners. The Secretariat of the Compliance Committee responds appropriately to each case by conducting investigations and hearings, and reports to the Compliance Committee on a regular basis. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the whistleblowing consultation desk, we have established three contact points, an internal contact point, a labor union, and an external lawyer, and we are working to ensure that whistleblowers and informants are not disadvantaged by clearly stating in our internal regulations that they are fully aware of the system.

Initiatives to Eliminate Antisocial Forces
USJ LLC is engaged in the business of providing dreams to guests, and its basic policy is not to have any relationship with antisocial forces or groups, and to respond resolutely without succumbing to unreasonable demands from them, and this is clearly stated in the Code of Conduct and thoroughly disseminated to all officers and employees. In addition, we have established a system to confirm that the business partner is not an anti-social force or group with regard to contracts with business partners, and we have established a system that enables consultation and reporting in close cooperation with the relevant authorities.
Education and Training for Executives and Employees
In addition to the Code of Conduct, we have prepared a "USJ Compliance Handbook" with specific examples and distributed it to officers and employees. In addition, we have set up an internal website (intranet) dedicated to compliance, which is posted along with regulations and rules to ensure that everyone is aware of it.
We regard education and training for officers and employees as the core of our compliance promotion activities, and based on the compliance annual program, we provide introductory training to all employees at the time of joining the company, and conduct rank-specific training on themes according to the hierarchy of positions. In addition, we conduct detailed education and training for each department according to the content of the business and organizational structure to further establish and disseminate compliance awareness.